Live the Life you Want
Live Your Best Life.
What do you ACTUALLY want out of life? Most people don't really know. Take a moment to think about this simple question. Let's make a PLAN to get you there – you might surprise yourself!
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Live Your Best Life.
What do you ACTUALLY want out of life? Take a moment to think about this simple question. Let's make a PLAN to get you there – you might surprise yourself!
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To find ONE thing that you really want for yourself, and go make it happen.

Making a significant life change is not something most people do overnight; doing it right typically involves TONS of work, which prevents most people from ever DOING IT – and also from waking up one day when they’re 66 with no regrets.

The purpose of this blog is to help you to DISCOVER this change, motivate you ACHIEVE it, and ultimately to live a happier, healthier life. Make this a habit, and the positive effects will begin to snowball. Tell your friends – tell your family. Hold yourself accountable – spread the word!

BE the change that you seek.

The Young Person Challenge
Motivate yourself to do more!
Hi, I’m Derek, and I’m passionate about helping others make the most out of their life. Take a look around! Hopefully you’ll find this blog of some interest to you.

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What Makes Us Happy?

December 29th, 2016|

A theory on happiness A few years ago, someone I am very close to sent me an eye-opening psych paper on happiness, which you can read here. In this article, the author posits a relatively [...]

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